
Coexpression networks help overcome the limitations of sparsity in gene functional annotations, by providing a means to transfer knowledge from annotated genes to genes yet unannotated, based on the 'guilt-by association' assumptions. RECoN is designed to identify clusters of functionally genes that tightly coexpress in a compendium of abiotic-stress gene expression experiments in rice.


Use RECoN to
1) Upload the differential expression profile of genes in response to an abiotic-stress to find clusters that are most highly expressed/repressed in the experiment. Prepare the transcriptome file in a format like this. This file contains locus ids of all the genes in the first column and their differential expression values in the second column, with a tab space in between, and a header

2) Probe a list of interesting genes and find over-represented clusters within the list. Can be useful to predict pathways related to the query list of genes

3) Search clusters linked to a specific biological process from the drop down menu

4) Use a single gene as a guide to find other genes highly coexpressed with it

Citation: Krishnan Arjun, Gupta Chirag, Ambavaram Madana M. R., Pereira Andy (2017). RECoN: Rice Environment Coexpression Network for Systems Level Analysis of Abiotic-Stress Response. Frontiers in Plant Science

 Upload differential expression profiles

[ upload a .txt file with ALL genes and their fold-change values ]

Qvalue threshold 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.001

Enter gene list

[Enter atleast 10 genes, one per line, MSU format only ]

Search pre-listed gene sets

Query a single gene

[start typing a Locus ID in MSU format(LOC_Os...) ]

